Best Place to Buy Hornitos Tequila online – Hornitos Tequila For Sale In Bulk and wholesale
Hornitos Reposado Tequila 750 ml
Experience the vibrant taste of Hornitos Reposado Tequila, a premium spirit crafted with care and tradition. Rested for two months in large oak vats, this tequila ensures minimal contact with the wood, preserving a lively agave flavor that stands out among other wood-treated tequilas.
Pure Agave Flavor
Hornitos Reposado Tequila boasts a smooth, mature character that delivers the purest agave flavor possible from barrel-treated tequila. With fine agave, herbal, and green apple aroma notes, this tequila tantalizes your senses with a balanced and slightly woody taste, finishing medium- to full-bodied.
Versatile Enjoyment
Whether you prefer to sip it neat, on the rocks, or elevate your margaritas, Hornitos Reposado Tequilas offers a top-shelf experience. Its pale straw color and rich flavor profile make it a standout choice for any occasion.
Crafted with Tradition
Hailing from Tequila, Jalisco in Mexico, Hornitos Tequilas was introduced to the world in 1950 by founder Don Francisco Javier Sauza in honor of Mexican Independence Day. Named after the “little ovens” used to roast agave, Hornitos embodies a rich heritage and dedication to quality. LOUIS XIII
Product Details
- Volume: 750 ml
- Type: Reposado Tequila
- Origin: Tequila, Jalisco, Mexico
- Aroma: Fine agave, herbal, green apple
- Taste: Balanced, slightly woody, medium- to full-bodied
- Color: Pale straw
Perfect for Celebrations
Whether you’re celebrating Cinco de Mayo, a special occasion, or simply enjoying a night in, Hornitos Reposado Tequilas is the perfect choice. Its premium quality and rich flavor make it a favorite among tequila enthusiasts.
Discover the world of tequilas with Hornito Reposado Tequilas, available now at Wooden Cork. Elevate your spirits collection with this exceptional tequila that promises a taste of tradition and craftsmanship in every sip.
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